Circular Economy for Labs | Community of Practice

How to Participate
Pose or answer a question
If you have a challenging question or are looking for insight from other professionals in this field, submit a question to our forum. You can also read through questions that have already been asked and use your expertise to provide answers or suggestions. Remember, this is meant to be a space to have great minds working together with the goal of promoting a circular economy in labs!
Create or watch a video
The community Theater gives a platform for professionals and students in our community who have great ideas to share and a passion for improving labs and the environment. Videos can help educate on a particular topic, and “PHIL” Talks are from people helping improve labs, with a nod to the late founder of I2SL, Phil Wirdzek, who always inspired and made space for our community to try new approaches.If you are interested in creating a video, please follow the instructions here. To watch a webinar, video, or PHIL talk, feel free to browse the Theater.
Write or comment on a blog post
To create a blog post, please submit an abstract of 700 characters or fewer to info@i2sl.org. If your abstract is accepted, you will receive an email from I2SL. To read or comment on previous blog posts, browse our Newsroom. Not sure what to write? Check out our Editorial Calendar to see which topics we’d like to see covered in 2024, and get some ideas for a blog or video!
Submit resources
If you have a resource that you think would be beneficial to the Circular Economy for Labs Community of Practice (without selling a product or service), you can submit it to info@i2sl.org. Resources can include case studies, research reports, scientific material, best practice guides, etc. Before sharing data, experiences, or videos regarding your organization’s efforts, review the Rules of Engagement, and make sure you have all the required permissions to post, publish, or provide them to the public. Please let us know if you would prefer your resources are only made available to registered members of this community of practice.